Blanca with Lupus and Stage 4 Kidney Disease

My Story

Hi there my name is Blanca Ellis. I am from Anchorage, Alaska. I have a wonderful husband and three amazing children. In late May of 2015 I was treated for renal failure. The cause of my health in declining is believed to be Lupus related. I was fortunate to be placed in the care of a speciality doctor who has over seen my care this past year. After being discharged from the hospital in June of 2015 I went home with many obstacles. I could not walk, shower or resume to my daily activities on my own. I relied on friends and family to assist in my healing process. My health was believed to improve after given it time and allowing the medications as well as monthly treatments to take its course. Unfortunately, after a year had gone by and I received my current lab work this was not the case. My kidneys are failing progressively fast. The severty of my illness has never been so clear. My doctor in the states had been aggressively treating me through monthly infusions which had not been working. I feel I have given it a good go and I am now ready to pursue our preferred method through Alternative medicine. We have been working with doctors in Tijuana Mexico since November 2015. This treatment is practiced there only because it is not FDA aproved in the US. My kidney function currently is at 25% and I have stage four kidney disease. At 10% in the states they place patients on dialysis and begin looking for a donor. I refuse to allow this to happen and this is why I am at C.H.I.P.S.A. hospital in Mexico. I am a fighter and I believe I have a lot of living to still do. My children are my reason to press through this with as much grace and dignity as possible. Thank you for taking the time and reading my story.

My Message To You…

After having my year of pitty party, anger, feeling sorry for myself, accepting things for what I was told, dealing with the chronic pains, ups and down’s, being told by people what I had to do to change my life while they resumed to their lives. Having no what emotional battles I fought along with my disease. I chose happiness and to fight back!! I chose regardless the physical and mental set backs I would have to deal with on a daily basis, I was taking my life back!!

I have so much living to still do and it was not going to be from my bed, w/c or couch. I’m a mother, daughter, wife and friend. I am not the only one in this world who has to fight for her life. I hope that my determination to regain as much self worth and independence back will inspire others to never give up and accept things for what they are told. Take control. LIVE AGAIN!! Even if you’re not completely back to the old you, appreciate the new you. look at where you were and where you are headed. As long as you want it bad enough anything is possible.